Smart Choice Accountancy

Breast screening – why is it worth it?

Breast screening is another topic of which everyone is well aware of – that we should, that we must, or that it is worth doing. However, instead of constantly focusing on the fact that it is worth to examine breasts – it would be good to look at WHY it is worth it.  And that is what we will do today. It is time to move from awareness to action and regular breast screening.

Year by year women are more and more often encouraged to do breast screening. The effects? It is getting better as the improved awareness is plain to see. Breast screening is less and less frequently treated as a taboo subject, which for many women can be extremely helpful in taking action. On the other hand – the number of women struggling with cancer is still growing.

Whether it will be possible to cure cancer depends, among other things, on how early it is detected. According to data presented at Cancer Research UK, 78% of women in Great Britain who struggled with breast cancer managed to live 10 or more years.

Many women fall into the trap of a vicious circle. By thinking “I should have been examined a long time ago – now it’s too late”, they challenge the disease to fight against time. The risk of breast cancer increases with age. Waiting for the “perfect moment” is another trap.

Why breast screening?

It is estimated that this is the most common type of cancer among women (nearly every fourth cancer is breast cancer). And that is one of the key reasons why breast screening gets attention so often. Examination is an essential way to fight with the disease.

Another significant aspect is the increased number of cases. It would be difficult to name all causes of these negative changes, however, the most common are the following:

  • living in long-term stress,
  • population ageing,
  • increasing consumption of processed food against the background of the whole diet,
  • environment pollution and the like,

as well as other factors related to lifestyle, environmental aspects and genetic predisposition.

Currently, taking care of all these aspects (and many others that we have not described) is – though still highly possible – a very demanding task. On the one hand – cancer is not a sentence. On the other – it is a very dangerous enemy.

We can still often hear the conviction that “there was no such thing in the past and women were doing well.” Well – as we can see, over the years our surroundings have undergone a really big change which is still noticeable. Is breast screening more needed today than ever before? Many statistics show that the number of cases in highly developed European countries is higher.

Breast screening solves the problem?

The risk of breast cancer increases with age, among other things. Nevertheless, due to the environmental and lifestyle factors, we hear more and more often of cancer cases among women much younger than fifty- or even thirty-year-olds.

Breast screening plays a crucial role, because only in this way can women find a lump. Prophylaxis in the form of:

  • self-examination,
  • mammography,
  • ultrasonography,

allows for the detection of breast changes at an earlier stage, and increases the chances of a successful cure.

There is this old Chinese proverb: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” Following this path – we encourage you to promote this simple thought among women – do not wait but examine yourself, preferably today.

Also think of your insurance in the event of developing breast cancer. Prevention does not always work, and the disease will find a way to attack our body. In this situation, insurance plays a very important role. Do not hesitate, take care of your health!

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